Letra de la cancion "Keeping you alive"

Interpretada por "The Gossip"

letra Keeping you alive en español


El miedo es una maldicion
El terror del crepusculo
El miedo a la noche
Una maldicion,
La paz vendra,
Hay personas que te aman,
No tienes que hacerlo solo

Pues nada parece importar
Tu mundo entero parece romperse
Yo te mantedre vivo
Pues todo es nada
Siempre se convierte en algo
Si le das tiempo
Cuando el vacio te rodea
Y no hay nadie a tu alrededor
Dejame ser tu luz
Cuando es apenas juntos
Es tu y yo para siempre
Guardalo en tu mente
No lo olvides bebe
Es sobre no rednirse bebe
Por favor despierta
Hay gente que te ama
No tienes que hacerlo sola

No me des la espalda bebe
Es sobre no rendirse bebe
El mundo te volvera loca


Keeping you alive

Letra Original

Fear is a curse,
The terror of twilight,
The fear of the nighttime,
A curse,
Peace will come,
There are people that love you,
You don't have to do this alone,

Well nothing seems to matter
Your whole world seems to shatter
I'll keep you alive
Well everything is nothing
It always turn to something
If you give it time
When emptyness surrounds you
And there's no one else around you
Let me be your light
When its barely together
It's you and me forever
You keep this in mind

Don't take it back babe
It's about not giving up baby
Please wake up
There are people who love you
You don't have to do this alone

Well nothing seems to matter
Your whole world seems to shatter
I'll keep you alive
Well everything is nothing
It always turn to something
If you give it time
When emptyness surrounds you
And there's no one else around you
Let me be your light
When its barely together
It's you and me forever
You keep this in mind

Don’t turn your back baby
It's about not giving up baby
The world will drive you crazy


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